Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Restoration work.

As I have a bright new shed to work in, thought I'd do some work yesterday, I have some clay pictures that I created for an exhibition, five years ago that needed a bit of repair from when we moved house, I thought that if I restore them I could hang them up in the shed & then sell them, ...they're not going to get sold being kept in the dark old garage are they?
So I repaired my Braintree dragon & my Garden of Eden & still have to reset the frames....I also put my old oil paint pallette to good use, & made a clock, now I have no excuse to forget the time down there!...........


Cara said...

Just wanted to say...you are just around the corner from me :)

Nice blog

MiniKat said...

I love the clock! The Garden of Eden scene is beautiful. :-)

JDayMinis said...

Looks very interesting. Great idea for a clock. Instead of asking what time it is you can ask what color it is, lol, colors are so much more interesting than time.

Tallulah Belle said...

What a fab idea for a clock...I throw all my old pallets out...won't be doing so now though :-)

I love the Garden of Eden...will you please post an upright pic when you have finished. I'd love to see it properly.