It's the Girls Aloud concert tonight & I'm taking my daughter, I'm looking forward to it, but the not the drive or the late night! I thought I'd post before I get stuck into cleaning up & getting ready!
These poppies are in our garden, I think they're a lovely colour, must paint them one day.
I still have some pictures to restore, my favourite fairy one for a start, perhaps I can do that at the weekend, I need to spend a bit of time promoting though, I've been a bit slow on that lately as I have been rather busy, I really need to get into some sort of routine so that promoting becomes like a second nature when I switch on the pc!....I wonder is there a tool that can update my twitter, facebook fan page, Deviant art etc all at once, will look into it, I haven't been on DA for ages, my facebook fan page is slowly picking up fans, to find me search itsy bitsy art by sam, & there I am........
I'm also aware that I haven't posted happy thoughts for a while........will get my brain in gear & start again next post!
My boyfriend would like to go to that concert.... but for all the wrong reasons, lol! LOVE the poppies... and know what you mean about promoting, I find Flickr is a good way to get seen by the world.
Peace to you and enjoy the concert x
Beautiful poppies.....I love the colors.
I didn't know Girls Aloud were still going lol.
Artisanne, it was a great concert, and yes, I think he would have liked it...those girls wanna watch out or they'll catch a chill!
The poppies are sweet! And I totally agree, if there were an easier way of updating all that at once, my life would be a million times more relaxed!
Enjoy the concert!
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