This week has been , well, more than a bit of a pain...I have had a migraine on & off all week, the car needs repair again & the tickets I have for the west end matinee, are not for the matinee but for the evening, so I have to take the children out really late in the middle of London AAAAAAAAAGH.
So I really need to take a chill pill & relax, let's face it the stress stuff won't do my headache any good, so I'm not going to stress anymore.....will put these things out of my head until I need to deal with them.....miniatures, that's what I need to do-let's get the clay out...
I finished off my childs birthday table, I have also done the 21st birthday table but not sure how to finish it off, I need more drinks on it I know that, waiting to buy more glasses so I can make beers, not sure about the flowers either, might replace them with wrapped presents!
I found some more miniatures blogs today, haven't been able to find any with searches, so I am following some, might get a chance to read them all later!
I still need entries for the pancake giveaway-you need to let me know of a lesson you have learned from life-however small, I want to know about it, just leave a comment
Todays happy thought: It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!
I love your birthday tables! They are too adorable. If you replace the flowers on the 21st birthday table, might I suggest putting a ribbon or nice wrapping on some type of alcohol? It is an adult's birthday after all. ;-)
Glad to have found you! I've added you to my blog list and will check in on you as you update. Hmmmm . . . a life lesson, .. . . . I suppose to be aware and appreciate your blessings no matter how many trials, pitfalls and mishaps might happen. We generally take our lives for granted and don't realize how precious it is until something bad happens and we need only look around to see how very blessed we are by comparison to others who are suffering.
Mini Leaps and Bounds
What Jody posted is probably one of the most important lessons we humans could ever learn...if we could just learn it!!! Why is it so much easier to see the glass half-empty instead of half-full??
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