then I came back & did some speed ironing, this is not to be confused with manic ironing which I often do...manic ironing involves getting out the ironing board & the iron & ironing as quick as possible until the pile of unironed washing is transformed into a big pile of lovely flat, crease free ironed stuff!!
Speed ironing, is just cheating really, sorting through it, deciding what you can get away with just folding & putting away & not perhaps I should just call it, not I did some not ironing yesterday! (do you think the sun has got to me a bit??)

Anyway, I made some miniature balloons for a caketopper I'm just finishing, & I was taking some photos of them & I thought they just looked like little lost fairy balloons stuck in the tree!!
Todays happy thought: Evertime I say the excercise word, I have to wash my mouth out with chocolate!
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