I know most of you have had your decorations up & sparkling for a while now but we at home don't put ours up until sunday, not because we are humbugs, we love christmas here, in fact, we would probably buy a house based on how good it would look with snow on the ground & a huge christmas tree twinkling in the window, but ten years ago when our little christmas Rose arrived two weeks early, it was a week before we were no longer too shellshocked to acknowledge it was christmas, & we needed to put up the tree !
So it was then decided that this was to be our tradition, decking was to wait for a week after our eldests birthday, this is also the best time to do it as, I like to clean everywhere from top to bottom, inside & out etc....to make the house clean & fresh before we decorate (Ihave to ask myself why I am sitting here telling you all this when I obviously have so much to do then....)
Usually by this time of the month, I have finished all my craft orders by now & the craft stuff is put away until January, except for the wreath, centrepiece equipment....so by the time the tree is up, everywhere is ready, cards sent, presents wrapped, ( er...ok, nearly) & as long as everyone just doesn't move, it will stay like that until christmas...aaaah !
Ok back to the real world, I have presents to wrap ,cards to write, teachers presents to make, and... er...think about, ironing, curtains to wash & dry...& thats just today!
maybe next year!
Todays happy thought: Christmas comes but once a year, so celebrate & give a cheer!
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