Ok I'll be honest, I really don't like January, I think it's depressing, there's nothing good happens in January! I like snow....at Christmas, where it belongs....the best thing about snow now is that schools closed & I get to keep my children here with me, in the warm.
Usually, at this time of year, I get some cleaning done, sort of "spring" cleaning of both house & shed & look forward to spring time.I usually get my creating mojo back...& make plans for my crafting year.....This year I plan to concentrate my efforts online, Etsy in particular, and create a new website that gathers all my web prescences together in one place, I have Etsy, facebook, twitter, deviantart, blogspot...I think thats it, no doubt there will be more to follow!
Towards the end of the year I have an exhibition at my local library, it will be called Itsy Britsy & it is a celebration of all of our British traditions & customs, work is already well underway but your ideas & suggestions will be welome.
best get on with promoting my miniature february goodies then, it's pancake day first, followed by valentines day, so get over to my Etsy shopand take a look!
Now, new years resolutions..........Hmm!
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