My drawing of Strawberry Fields......
Despite the title, this post is not going to be about football, I have called it that as it is because there is football on, I have been able to catch up on all my ebay stuff, emails & add a new post!It's not that I don't like football, I was brought up on Liverpool FC & I then married a Man utd fan, so I can hardly avoid it can I, but it's on for so long, it ties up the tv for the whole evening, & by the time I get to watch Eastenders, I'm too tired to watch it & I fall asleep !& is it me or is it on aaaaaaaaallllllll the time!enough of that now....3rd birthday went ok, it was apparently pink enough for her highness, although I think the much anticipated shop bought scooby doo cake was a bit of a let down! I was told that she wishes I had made her cake!!!!! would you believe it, nearly a whole year of asking for that cake, & it wasn't easy getting it either...first of all the supermarket concerned discontinued it 2 weeks ago, so I ordered it from another (not very popular one in my house) one, only for them not to have bothered getting it for me! luckily (for them) they managed to phone around & get me another one!so she had a nice day & she feels bigger now she said!todays happy thought:A football fan & a normal person lives here!

Here I am again, I've been busy lately as Mr H has his arm in a bandage so I've had to cook "real food" not so much fun as clay food, I've also opened an ebay shop & thats kept me really busy as well & I have my littlest ones birthday tomorrow, so trying to arrange as much pink as possible has left me ...well, tired. I have also been working on a new caketopper, a 40th birthday one, it gave me a new challenge, a newspaper, I was really pleased with the result. anyway got pink birthday things to do, & washing up& uniforms to get ready & of course a pile of ironing bigger than me, (plenty to stop me falling asleep on the settee tonight then & missing midsomer murders! )
Todays Happy thought: Chocolate makes my clothes shrink!
Miniature seedlings & seed packets, a present for my sister-in-law, for her miniature greenhouse.

Well the cake was good, seeing as I didn't know what I was going to do it like right up until the icing was going on! the lego snakes didn't arrive in time so I had to make them out of marzipan, & I was pleased with how they turned out!It was a very indiana Jones themed day, with a hunt for treasure in the garden first, then lots of indiana Jones lego to put together (daddys job, not mine).As for putting the clay away for a bit, well, I've just opened an ebay shop as things are going well on ebay, so I have been making some more delicious minis. I have made some bagels, eggs in boxes, & boiled egg & soldiers mmmmmmmm! I have also started on the miniature greenhouse! will be adding those soon, then I have a new caketopper to start work on, so it looks like the spring cleaning (including the ever present ironing) will have to wait a bit longer!
Todays Happy thought; apparently, you can never have too much lego!-Harry age 7yrs 6 days

I've been so busy sorting out, cleaning up, throwing out, I don't know where the weeks are disappearing to! I fel like I am drowning in piles of (organized) chaos. I have got piles of boot sale stuff sorted but absolutely no time to do a boot sale & don't even mention the ironing!I wish that I didn't mind not having ironed stuff, then I could just fold it up & put it away & forget it, but I can't, I feel like thats cheating, perhaps if I make that the major job for today, then I'll feel better....but then I have got an Indiana Jones cake to plan & an Indiana Jones treasure hunt for Saturday, (my sons 7th birthday) & wrapping presents & making a card so how can I waste time on ironing-perhaps I'll have to cheat this week, just a bit!Happy shed is, well , it's been so cold over the last few weeks (remember I don't have heat, electricity or even much light in there) my craft stuff, paints, boxes, pots etc have just been put in there, anywhere they fit, rather than me staying in there to find a space for it, I bought a dolls house too so that takes up a big chunk of the small space there is-so it is in dire need of a spring tidy (cleaned it not too long ago) before I can work in it again!we loved the snow at Easter, my 2yr old didn't know where to look-chocolate, snow,chocolate, snow.......I can't remember when there was enough for them to build a snowman!you have to be quick though, to take a photo before it starts to melt, it used to stay there for weeks, you actually used to have time to start getting fed up with the snow!No crafting for a bit then, except for birthday stuff-chaos to sort out first!Todays happy thought; cleaning the house while the kids are still growing, is like clearing the snow while it is still snowing!