Where did that time go....one minute it was Halloween, now it's christmas eve! I have been busy, too busy to blog, I know, but I have been ever so busy!
I might not have mentioned, but I am now the chairperson of the school friends assoc, (like pta) and we have had the quiz, fundraisers & stuff to do....i had no idea how much work goes into all this & it has completely took over the last couple of months!
On top of that Mr H has decorated the lounge & installed a new bathroom, admittedly I didn't have a lot to do with that but there was lots of moving around & tidying up to do...& countless cups of tea, so less blogging time there then!

I have found the time to make a few minis though, I made some decorations for the miniature Christmas tree, plus some crackers & baubles!
Now I am off to calm my (very) excited children & finish off some last minute jobs!
Merry Christmas xxx